10-01 12:36 PM
If Company B have applied change of status, You status become H1B as soon as that petition approves. In that case, you need to work for comany B on H1B status and can't continue working on L1.
Once you go out of country, you have choice of using either L1(if not expired)/H1B. If you have already done stamping for L1 visa, you don't need to stamp again. You need employer letter from L1 Employer.
Once you go out of country, you have choice of using either L1(if not expired)/H1B. If you have already done stamping for L1 visa, you don't need to stamp again. You need employer letter from L1 Employer.
wallpaper Soul Eater Anime Wallpaper # 12
02-17 11:58 AM
Switzerland has similar law that works well not sure of cons on this.
06-11 02:24 AM
ladies and gents,
has there ever been any regulation issued by the USCIS for the AC21 law? i know about the yates memo in 2005. however, even that memo says that there will be a regulation coming in... so was that ever published? i just want to find out once and FOR ALL whether uscis will allow me to do self-employment in a same or similar job and how prepared should i be for zealous immigration officers sending me way-too-detailed RFEs for stuff related to self employment... i contacted a few lawyers, the only one who was encouraging enough for my taste said that she/he will charge me my arm, leg and possibly an eye or ear... so whats out there already?
has there ever been any regulation issued by the USCIS for the AC21 law? i know about the yates memo in 2005. however, even that memo says that there will be a regulation coming in... so was that ever published? i just want to find out once and FOR ALL whether uscis will allow me to do self-employment in a same or similar job and how prepared should i be for zealous immigration officers sending me way-too-detailed RFEs for stuff related to self employment... i contacted a few lawyers, the only one who was encouraging enough for my taste said that she/he will charge me my arm, leg and possibly an eye or ear... so whats out there already?
2011 Some More Random Wallpapers
06-23 01:38 AM
I was also in the same boat couple of months back and got two appointments. Technically we can send a letter to USCIS with explanation. But my attorney suggested me to go for the second appointment. So I went twice..
08-08 06:08 PM
06-24 08:43 PM
I would say send it to NSC..and most likely they will transfer it to NBC..
just a thought...
just a thought...
06-23 08:21 AM
Currently, I am working with software firm (not a contract work). My wife is re applying for H4 visa. she applied for h4 last year in Feb, i used to work with contracting firm then and refused under 214b(immigration intent). This time we are applying through attorney. Attorney have sent email thrice to Islamabad consulatein Pakistan stating that denial under 214(b) for H4 is not valid reason.
But no response from them.
However my wife is applying again and taking letter with her from attorney stating that reason was invliad.
I am wondering
1- Do we need to highlight the previous denial so much as she is applying on new h1B now
2- in any case, can they revoke and cancel my petition as if they do not find any valid reason to reject again.
I am looking forward to hear from you
But no response from them.
However my wife is applying again and taking letter with her from attorney stating that reason was invliad.
I am wondering
1- Do we need to highlight the previous denial so much as she is applying on new h1B now
2- in any case, can they revoke and cancel my petition as if they do not find any valid reason to reject again.
I am looking forward to hear from you
2010 Soul Eater Wallpaper
11-28 07:49 AM
As Lott Leaves the Senate, Compromise Appears to Be a Lost Art (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/27/AR2007112702358.html) By Jonathan Weisman | Washington Post, November 28, 2007; A04
In January, as a dormant Senate chamber entered its fourth hour of inaction and a major ethics bill lay tangled in knots, Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) took to the Senate floor with a plaintive plea.
"Here we are, the sun has set on Thursday. It is a quarter to 6. The sun officially went down at 5:13. We are like bats," the veteran lawmaker lamented to a near-empty chamber. "Hello, it is a quarter to 6. . . . I have called everybody involved. I have been to offices. I have been stirring around, scurrying around. Is there an agenda here?"
The next 10 months appear to have given him the answer. A major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws went down in flames. Just two of a dozen annual spending bills passed Congress, and one of those was vetoed. Repeated efforts to force a course change in Iraq ended in recrimination and stalemate. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) filed 56 motions to break off filibusters to try to complete legislation, a total that is nearing the record of 61 such "cloture motions" in a two-year Congress.
And on Monday, Lott, one of the Senate's consummate dealmakers, called it quits.
"Is he the most frustrated he's ever been? Probably not," said David Hoppe, Lott's longtime chief of staff, now with the lobbying firm Quinn, Gillespie & Associates. "But frustration is cumulative."
Lott's departure from Capitol Hill in the coming weeks after 34 years in Congress -- 16 in the House, 18 in the Senate -- is further evidence that bonhomie and cross-party negotiating are losing their currency, even in the backslapping Senate. With the Senate populated by a record number of former House members, the rules of the Old Boys' Club are giving way to the partisan trench warfare and party-line votes that prevail in the House. States once represented by common-ground dealmakers, including John Breaux (D-La.), David L. Boren (D-Okla.), James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.), are now electing ideological stalwarts, such as David Vitter (R-La.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
"The Senate is predicated on the ability of people being able to work together," said former senator Don Nickles (R-Okla.), who was majority whip for much of Lott's years as majority leader. "I'm not throwing rocks at anybody, but there's just been a lot less of that."
Former majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) agreed: "Senator Lott's resignation means the loss of one of the few Republicans in leadership who often excelled in finding compromise and common ground."
Lott has never been a policy moderate, inclined to reach agreement with Democrats on ideological grounds. But he has almost always been a pragmatist, relishing the art of the deal. Just last month, as he labored to crack a wall of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of U.S. Appeals Judge Leslie H. Southwick, Lott wondered aloud to an aide why he was working so hard for a man he did not really know and for someone who was much more closely allied with Mississippi's other Republican senator, Thad Cochran.
"I said to him, 'You know, it's not that you like Southwick. You just like the process. You want the deal,' and he just smiled," recalled the Lott aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was divulging private deliberations. "It was a game. It was, 'Let me figure out how to get this done.' "
Such dealmakers still wander the Senate's halls: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah.). And others could arise as a generation schooled in pragmatism -- such as John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) -- heads for the exits next year.
"Just because an individual leaves doesn't mean you're not going to find new centers to structure work in the United States Senate," said Eric Ueland, chief of staff to former majority leader (R-Tenn.). Lott would "be the first to say that no individual is indispensable."
But with the Senate almost dysfunctional, those new power centers are difficult to find.
"The Senate is still a great deliberative body," Nickles said. "But it's a little less congenial and a little too partisan."
Lott made a career out of the art of the deal. In the summer of 1996, after then-Sen. Robert J. Dole resigned to pursue the White House full time, Lott took the reins of a Senate that had ground to a halt as Democrats moved to thwart GOP accomplishments ahead of the presidential election. Lott implored his colleagues to act.
In short order, Congress approved a major overhaul of the nation's welfare laws, cleared a bevy of other bills and cut a deal with the Clinton White House on annual spending bills. After the election, Hoppe recalled, Clinton called Lott to joke that had he not gotten the Senate back on track, the Democrats might well have recaptured a chamber of Congress.
The next year, White House Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin -- both wealthy Wall Street financiers -- sat huddled in Lott's office, as Lott and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) tried to cut a final deal on a balanced budget agreement that included a cut to the capital gains tax rate.
"There they were, two Democrats who had been very successful in business, squaring off with two Republicans who didn't have two nickels to rub together," Hoppe recalled.
They struck a deal: Cut the capital gains rate and create a major federal program to offer health insurance to children of the working poor.
After the 2000 election, which left the Senate deadlocked at 50 seats apiece, Lott again struck a deal that angered many in his party. Although Republicans technically had control of the Senate with the vote of newly elected Vice President Cheney, Lott and Daschle agreed to evenly divide the committees. Moreover, they agreed, if one party won a majority midstream, either through a party switch, a resignation or a death, the other party would agree to relinquish control without a fight.
Lott reasoned that the deadlocked Senate could waste the first months of George W. Bush's fledgling presidency in a process fight, or he could relent early and get to work.
But such deals are getting harder to come by.
On June 7, as Lott absorbed increasingly virulent attacks from conservatives for his support of a bipartisan immigration overhaul, he took to the Senate floor for another appeal.
"This is the time where we are going to see whether we are a Senate anymore," he intoned. "Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let's legislate. Let's vote."
Three weeks later, the immigration bill fell to a Republican filibuster, and Congress slithered away from the issue.
In January, as a dormant Senate chamber entered its fourth hour of inaction and a major ethics bill lay tangled in knots, Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) took to the Senate floor with a plaintive plea.
"Here we are, the sun has set on Thursday. It is a quarter to 6. The sun officially went down at 5:13. We are like bats," the veteran lawmaker lamented to a near-empty chamber. "Hello, it is a quarter to 6. . . . I have called everybody involved. I have been to offices. I have been stirring around, scurrying around. Is there an agenda here?"
The next 10 months appear to have given him the answer. A major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws went down in flames. Just two of a dozen annual spending bills passed Congress, and one of those was vetoed. Repeated efforts to force a course change in Iraq ended in recrimination and stalemate. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) filed 56 motions to break off filibusters to try to complete legislation, a total that is nearing the record of 61 such "cloture motions" in a two-year Congress.
And on Monday, Lott, one of the Senate's consummate dealmakers, called it quits.
"Is he the most frustrated he's ever been? Probably not," said David Hoppe, Lott's longtime chief of staff, now with the lobbying firm Quinn, Gillespie & Associates. "But frustration is cumulative."
Lott's departure from Capitol Hill in the coming weeks after 34 years in Congress -- 16 in the House, 18 in the Senate -- is further evidence that bonhomie and cross-party negotiating are losing their currency, even in the backslapping Senate. With the Senate populated by a record number of former House members, the rules of the Old Boys' Club are giving way to the partisan trench warfare and party-line votes that prevail in the House. States once represented by common-ground dealmakers, including John Breaux (D-La.), David L. Boren (D-Okla.), James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.), are now electing ideological stalwarts, such as David Vitter (R-La.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
"The Senate is predicated on the ability of people being able to work together," said former senator Don Nickles (R-Okla.), who was majority whip for much of Lott's years as majority leader. "I'm not throwing rocks at anybody, but there's just been a lot less of that."
Former majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) agreed: "Senator Lott's resignation means the loss of one of the few Republicans in leadership who often excelled in finding compromise and common ground."
Lott has never been a policy moderate, inclined to reach agreement with Democrats on ideological grounds. But he has almost always been a pragmatist, relishing the art of the deal. Just last month, as he labored to crack a wall of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of U.S. Appeals Judge Leslie H. Southwick, Lott wondered aloud to an aide why he was working so hard for a man he did not really know and for someone who was much more closely allied with Mississippi's other Republican senator, Thad Cochran.
"I said to him, 'You know, it's not that you like Southwick. You just like the process. You want the deal,' and he just smiled," recalled the Lott aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was divulging private deliberations. "It was a game. It was, 'Let me figure out how to get this done.' "
Such dealmakers still wander the Senate's halls: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah.). And others could arise as a generation schooled in pragmatism -- such as John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) -- heads for the exits next year.
"Just because an individual leaves doesn't mean you're not going to find new centers to structure work in the United States Senate," said Eric Ueland, chief of staff to former majority leader (R-Tenn.). Lott would "be the first to say that no individual is indispensable."
But with the Senate almost dysfunctional, those new power centers are difficult to find.
"The Senate is still a great deliberative body," Nickles said. "But it's a little less congenial and a little too partisan."
Lott made a career out of the art of the deal. In the summer of 1996, after then-Sen. Robert J. Dole resigned to pursue the White House full time, Lott took the reins of a Senate that had ground to a halt as Democrats moved to thwart GOP accomplishments ahead of the presidential election. Lott implored his colleagues to act.
In short order, Congress approved a major overhaul of the nation's welfare laws, cleared a bevy of other bills and cut a deal with the Clinton White House on annual spending bills. After the election, Hoppe recalled, Clinton called Lott to joke that had he not gotten the Senate back on track, the Democrats might well have recaptured a chamber of Congress.
The next year, White House Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin -- both wealthy Wall Street financiers -- sat huddled in Lott's office, as Lott and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) tried to cut a final deal on a balanced budget agreement that included a cut to the capital gains tax rate.
"There they were, two Democrats who had been very successful in business, squaring off with two Republicans who didn't have two nickels to rub together," Hoppe recalled.
They struck a deal: Cut the capital gains rate and create a major federal program to offer health insurance to children of the working poor.
After the 2000 election, which left the Senate deadlocked at 50 seats apiece, Lott again struck a deal that angered many in his party. Although Republicans technically had control of the Senate with the vote of newly elected Vice President Cheney, Lott and Daschle agreed to evenly divide the committees. Moreover, they agreed, if one party won a majority midstream, either through a party switch, a resignation or a death, the other party would agree to relinquish control without a fight.
Lott reasoned that the deadlocked Senate could waste the first months of George W. Bush's fledgling presidency in a process fight, or he could relent early and get to work.
But such deals are getting harder to come by.
On June 7, as Lott absorbed increasingly virulent attacks from conservatives for his support of a bipartisan immigration overhaul, he took to the Senate floor for another appeal.
"This is the time where we are going to see whether we are a Senate anymore," he intoned. "Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let's legislate. Let's vote."
Three weeks later, the immigration bill fell to a Republican filibuster, and Congress slithered away from the issue.
04-14 10:39 AM
I went on March 11. I went in for 10 am appointment and was out at 10.10 am. Fulltime, first time H1B stamping. Simple questions - where did I do my education, what do I do in my current job, then the officer asked for W-2s from last two years and that was it.
hair Allen Vs Soul amp; Maka - Anime
04-08 05:19 PM
I received an RFE for proof of maintaining legal US residence in the form of I-797 forms of H1b extension or EADs etc. What was surprising is that we had not filed a medical exam with the original 485 application as we couldnt get an appointment in time before the retrogression and thus have been waiting for an RFE for the same. Yet they have not asked for it.
Can we (in addition to providing the required docs for the RFE), send the medical exam sealed envelope (obtained later but within the past year) even though it wasnt requested yet? The USCIS provided envelope is of course too small to put everything into but we plan to attach it to the couriered docs. Does this sound reasonable?
I received an RFE for proof of maintaining legal US residence in the form of I-797 forms of H1b extension or EADs etc. What was surprising is that we had not filed a medical exam with the original 485 application as we couldnt get an appointment in time before the retrogression and thus have been waiting for an RFE for the same. Yet they have not asked for it.
Can we (in addition to providing the required docs for the RFE), send the medical exam sealed envelope (obtained later but within the past year) even though it wasnt requested yet? The USCIS provided envelope is of course too small to put everything into but we plan to attach it to the couriered docs. Does this sound reasonable?
07-09 02:37 PM
I just moved from Chicago->Raleigh area. I might need to visit Infopass soon as my EAD expiry date is near.
Where is nearest infopass service center in Raleigh area? I work in Downtown Raleigh.
Thanks in advance.
I just moved from Chicago->Raleigh area. I might need to visit Infopass soon as my EAD expiry date is near.
Where is nearest infopass service center in Raleigh area? I work in Downtown Raleigh.
Thanks in advance.
hot Soul Eater Anime Wallpaper #4
09-27 02:31 PM
Hi, My wife has started working on EAD as an individual contract employee and her employer is asking to complete W9 form. But in the form it says that only US citizen can complete that form. Also it asks for backup withholding. I am not sure what it is.
I am confused now. I know that EAD has no restriction in employment. Pl. help.
I am confused now. I know that EAD has no restriction in employment. Pl. help.
house Soul Soul Eater Wallpaper
07-26 11:45 AM
I am not the art student.Just using online resources i was trying to build my skills.May be this is reflecting in my work now.So i have decided to quit from this competition.I am taking back all of my entries.
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11-07 10:55 AM
Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-1630
Host Access Code: 502270*
Participant Access Code: 502270#
Host Access Code: 502270*
Participant Access Code: 502270#
pictures type soul eater Wallpaper
03-24 12:41 AM
how did you get h1 without quota?
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08-06 05:07 PM
Hello everyone,
This question is for my wife. She is currently in her 5th year of H1 which expires in Oct-2011. i.e Her 5th year ends on Oct-2010. She is planning to quit her job now (Aug-2010) due to personal reasons and plans to switch to H4. Her employer (Company-A) has already filed for her GC and her LCA and I-140 is approved, but I believe they will be discontinued once she quits. So here are my questions -
1. Since she will have a little bit over 1 year remaining on her H1, can she file for H1 again if she get a new job offer?
2. Assuming that her next company (Company B), files for a GC within one year, Will there be a problem getting her H1B extended ? Since her new LCA (with Company-B) will be filed less than 365 days before her H1b expires.
3. OR Will USCIS look for the LCA filed by Company-A and grant her H1B extension?
Thanks in Advance...
This question is for my wife. She is currently in her 5th year of H1 which expires in Oct-2011. i.e Her 5th year ends on Oct-2010. She is planning to quit her job now (Aug-2010) due to personal reasons and plans to switch to H4. Her employer (Company-A) has already filed for her GC and her LCA and I-140 is approved, but I believe they will be discontinued once she quits. So here are my questions -
1. Since she will have a little bit over 1 year remaining on her H1, can she file for H1 again if she get a new job offer?
2. Assuming that her next company (Company B), files for a GC within one year, Will there be a problem getting her H1B extended ? Since her new LCA (with Company-B) will be filed less than 365 days before her H1b expires.
3. OR Will USCIS look for the LCA filed by Company-A and grant her H1B extension?
Thanks in Advance...
makeup Soul Eater Anime Wallpaper #8
Blog Feeds
05-05 06:50 AM
A lot of IT professionals born in India justly feel that their immigration cases have been going on forever. We recently concluded a case for an Indian IT professional which was one of the longest and most complex that I have ever encountered. Mr. S received his degree in Computer Science from a prestigious university in the Midwest almost 20 years ago. During the 1990s, he worked for various employers in H-1B status. In 1999 and 2000, his employer obtained the approval of a labor certification and an I-140 visa petition (EB-3) on his behalf. This made him eligible for...
More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/carlshusterman/2011/04/one-immigrants-20-year-journey-to-a-green-card.html)
More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/carlshusterman/2011/04/one-immigrants-20-year-journey-to-a-green-card.html)
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Blog Feeds
07-06 02:40 PM
If you typed a document using Microsoft Word today or sent an email using Outlook, you owe a little hat tip to the Hungarian-born Charles Simonyi who oversaw the creation of Microsoft's Office suite of applications. He earned a fortune at Microsoft and is now a billionaire. Simonyi is still in the business world and runs Intentional Software, a company he created in 2002. But he's also using his fortune for philanthropy and adventure. He has endowed professorships at Oxford and Stanford. And he has now visited space - twice! - as a tourist on the Russian Soyuz rocket.
More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2009/07/immigrant-of-the-day-charles-simonyi-ms-offices-father-and-space-tourist.html)
More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2009/07/immigrant-of-the-day-charles-simonyi-ms-offices-father-and-space-tourist.html)
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08-26 02:28 PM
I am a July 2nd filer and my checks were cashed on August 14th. I also received my receipts from my company and the notice day is August 10th while receipt date is July 2nd. Can anyone please let me know when I should expect to receive my FP's?
Steve Mitchell
April 17th, 2008, 08:41 AM
Here's an interesting find... confirmed? no. But likelihood of true? I think so. Check it out (http://www.electronista.com/articles/08/04/16/nikon.d3x.coming/).
03-19 07:22 PM
Based on USCIS's last action rule, the status of an applicant depends on whatever petition is approved last. So, if her H4 is approved after her H1 COS, then she will be on H4.
I am assuming you have applied for H1/H4 extension recently in regular processing. So the chances of her H1 COS getting approved first under premium are higher. So once you get her H1 COS approval, just withdraw her H4 petition.
I am assuming you have applied for H1/H4 extension recently in regular processing. So the chances of her H1 COS getting approved first under premium are higher. So once you get her H1 COS approval, just withdraw her H4 petition.
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