Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • ccramirez93
    11-21 11:39 PM
    I need to apply for an extension for 3 more years, i get my first H1B from 10-04-2008 to 08-31 but i'm not sure about the process to extend my H1B, i dont now if i need re-enter in the visa lottery like the first time.

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  • Macaca
    02-17 04:54 PM
    Will post something 1.

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  • admin
    04-07 12:31 PM
    no news yet, i m kinda breaking ........

    See here -

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  • chanduv23
    03-17 10:03 PM

    I have been without a pay for 2 months now, will that affect my I-485 application which was filed in July 07

    Get a job ASAP - when ur 485 is being adjudicated - they will ask for job proof and it would be good to have as many paystubs.


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  • manderson
    02-22 11:42 PM
    max, the problem is there is no clear cut definition of how an IO is supposed to respond to the scenarios you mentioned.

    but i suggest that you search IV archives as this subject has been discussed in-depth before. i remember 1 or 2 ppl posting their AC21 and subsequent GC approval experience via self-employment/ LLC registration.

    good luck. pls let us know ur future experience in this matter.

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  • kirupa
    03-01 08:43 PM
    It can be done in Swift 3D. First, create a box. Then create a pyramid shape and place it above the box. Color the pyramid red and the box a white or brown. You now have a house. I do apologize for the terseness of this message; I'm in a hurry to help more people!!!! :) If this does not help, please reply back and I'll try to elaborate!


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  • vedicman
    04-27 03:31 PM
    Hey guys, I am planning on getting my in-laws this summer or early fall. What are the papers I need to be sending? Thanks for your advice in advance.

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  • Green.Tech
    10-01 01:29 PM

    I was wondering if anyone has an idea of why some folks get FP before getting an EAD, and some get their EAD's without a FP? Any logic to that?



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  • Bluejay
    05-25 01:27 AM
    I am working for a small company on H1B since October 2006. The company had originally filed for full time employment (LCA and I-129) but at the time of hiring offered part time employment. I worked part time till June 2008 and since then I have been working full time. The company however never filed for an amended LCA and/or I-129. My H1B approval was extended last October by another 3 years. I also work part-time for a University on a concurrent H1B.

    Will I be deemed out of status for this? What are the implications of this on filing for GC under EB1 or EB2? Is there any way in which this situation may be legally rectified?

    Please advise.

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  • gclabor07
    09-04 02:30 PM
    The dates open up on weekdays between 10:30pm and 11:00pm EST. I've scheduled appointments a couple of times at 10:45pm.


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  • Blog Feeds
    10-28 09:00 AM
    1500 H-1Bs were claimed in the last week and just over 20,000 remain for the fiscal year. Based on a four week rolling average (1175), I am projecting the target will be exhausted in 17 weeks which will be February 23, 2011. Previously, I had been projecting March, but the overall usage of H-1Bs has been somewhat busier in the last month than in previous months. The masters cap usage this past week was 500 and the monthly average is 450. There are 3,800 H-1Bs left of 20,000 and I am projecting that cap will be exhausted in late December,...

    More... (

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  • slither
    09-03 02:54 PM

    I have been working for a non-profit organization and have a H1-B through them. I never applied to the regular commercial H1. I was wondering if I can just transfer this non-profit H1 to a commercial company. Please share your experiences and thoughts.



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  • kirupa
    03-29 12:12 PM
    Hey HybridIllusion,
    It all depends on what format your 2d image is in. If it is in AI or EPS, you can automatically import the image into Swift 3D and animate it. If it is a JPG or GIF, you might have a few more steps before importing into Swift 3D.

    Take your image and import it into Flash. Export the Flash animation as AI (adobe illustrator) by going to File | Publish Settings | File Types tab. Check the AI box and then publish the movie. The image will be exported in the AI format. From the AI format, you can import into Swift 3D and animate with no limitations.

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  • st4rguitar
    04-06 01:54 PM
    Can I count part time experience obtained before my Bachelors degree for an EB2 petition?

    I have 2.5 years of part time experience, can we use this and apply with MBA+1 requirements?


    Fancy meeting you here, dohko! The experience at half time can be counted to be 1/2 time itself - i.e. 2 years under 20 hrs./week = 1 yr. full time.
    Your experience however has to be obtained AFTER your Bachelor's degree.


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  • Macaca
    02-19 01:35 PM
    Some paras from Almost Everyone Lies, Often Seeing It as a Kindness (

    The perjury trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby goes to the jury this week. The case speaks to several issues -- how the Bush administration deals with critics of the war in Iraq, and the games that Washington's reporters and politicians play with each other. As far as the jury is concerned, however, the case is about only one thing: lying.

    One particularly well-qualified witness on this subject was not called by either the prosecution or the defense, so today we cross-examine Robert Feldman ourselves. Feldman is a social psychologist at the University of Massachusetts who studies lying in everyday life, and his findings are just the kind of thing that Libby's lawyers could have pounced on.

    Feldman's experiments show that stern-faced judicial proceedings about perjury are as remote from the realities of human behavior as President Bush is from the Nobel Peace Prize. For one thing, lying plays a more complex role in human relationships than the black-and-white legal view recognizes. It is also so commonplace in everyday life that putting people on trial for lying is somewhat like putting them on trial for breathing.

    Experiments have found that ordinary people tell about two lies every 10 minutes, with some people getting in as many as a dozen falsehoods in that period. More interestingly -- and Libby might see this as the silver lining if he is found guilty -- Feldman also found that liars tend to be more popular than honest people. (Ever notice how popular politicians somehow change their minds on controversial issues such as the war in Iraq at the exact moment that public opinion on those issues changes?)

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  • Macaca
    07-31 05:23 PM
    It's Time to End Or Reduce The Cloture Clog ( By Robert Weiner and John Larmett, July 31 2007

    Robert Weiner, president of Robert Weiner Associates Public Affairs, worked for 16 years in the House of Representatives and for six years in the Clinton White House. John Larmett, senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates, was legislative assistant/press secretary to Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) and former Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.).

    The Senate's cloture rule defeats democracy. It lets public servants hide and obfuscate behind a parliamentary quirk never intended by the framers of the Constitution. It's time to end or significantly change the cloture rule, as was last done in 1975, and move to a true democracy so that the House and Senate equally represent the American people.

    There are checks and balances, the only ones the Founding Fathers stated and intended: a presidential veto, which Congress can override with two-thirds, the only supermajority specified in the Constitution; the courts; and elections. No one ever foresaw parliamentary sleight of hand as a block of the will of the majority. If Congress wants to restore Americans' confidence in its work from the current all-time lows, it needs to allow the system to work as common sense, the Constitution and the framers dictate.

    During the April-May 2005 "crisis" on judicial nominations, the "Gang of 14," seven Democratic and seven Republican Senators, agreed to oppose the constitutional or "nuclear" option and to oppose filibusters of judicial nominations except in "extraordinary circumstances." However, the Senate has failed to cut off debate on other issues 57 times since then, making clear that the system has failed.

    Democrats are right to scream Republican "obstructionism," but Republicans, when they were in the majority, also were right to scream Democratic obstructionism. Both sides use and abuse the rule when they are in the minority to create some supermajority fantasy the public will not understand - and then blame the other side for not getting a legislative agenda accomplished.

    In last year's campaigns, House Democrats promised to change the way Congress does business - and do it within the first 100 hours they were in session. With a majority of 30-60 votes, but no supermajority requirement, the House passed its entire agenda. Despite majority support, hindered by the supermajority "cloture," the Senate has struggled all year just to pass a few bills. The American people get the feeling the Senate is a train that never quite leaves the station.

    The slow train continued July 17-18 when Republicans scuttled a Democratic proposal ordering troop withdrawals from Iraq in a showdown capping an all-night debate. The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture, the 27th time this year alone that body has been unable to proceed on significant pieces of legislation. In the previous Congress (controlled by Republicans), Democrats were successful 34 times in blocking Republican legislation. Cloture has become the third rail of Congressional politics. It's time for the train to move on a different track.

    Everyone has been properly complaining about obstructionism, but no one has said anything about changing the Senate rule on cloture. Since Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is talking about changing Senate rules to make it easier to restrict amendments on the floor, then why shouldn't the Senate also start the discussion about changing the cloture rule right now? It could be the difference in getting bills passed.

    In early July, the minority's decision to filibuster the amendment by Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), which stated that men and women serving in the military deserved the same amount of time at home that they served overseas, died on a 56-41 failed cloture vote - a majority supporting it but the media saying it "failed."

    In 1975, the Senate reduced the number of votes required for cloture from two-thirds to three-fifths, and it should change it again. If not an end outright, the best approach to guarantee the will of the majority, why not at least drop the requirement to 55 votes - necessitating just a little bit of extra consensus to end debate. Let the will of the American people, and of a majority of the Senate itself, be acted upon.

    It's time to end the cloture clog, regardless of who's in charge.


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  • thesparky007
    04-24 01:53 PM
    looks nice!

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  • imh1b
    07-15 12:59 PM
    I saw Immigration Voice name on

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    It should give us more lobbying power?

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  • gcspace
    10-04 03:11 PM
    My application reached 13 July at NSC nothing got back. Anyone in this boat?

    There is a forum group "July3rd to July15th" , please add your name to the list and keep track of it. Yes, there are many people from July3rd to July16th who have not yet received anything.

    12-16 06:06 AM
    I dont think I would trust your friend's cousin on that based on what I have read on here and other places. PD of aug-05 and EB3-I, I have my doubts, but if it is true, I am happy for him.

    03-25 10:41 AM
    please delete this...i guess its in the wrong forum......

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