Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • santb1975
    06-06 09:56 PM
    That is awesome

    Just contributed 100 USD. I know the money will go far and also that IV needs more money to get us where we want to be. Come on people, lets do it.

    100 USD will buy you freedom.

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    07-11 10:53 AM
    First new Iphone and now this news. I am still in Sep 06 but this type of things keeps the hope alive :).

    Maybe you should now change your handle to USDream2DustBack2Dream :)

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  • chanduv23
    11-17 03:07 PM
    Chandu, did you get a chance to read this thread on RG's forums?

    so atleast we can say that there is a different opinion exists among attorney's too, than one of that RK's.

    As mentioned in some of the above posts,

    1. PPL mentioned successful renewal of EAD while MTR was filed.
    2. PPL reported been able to continue working while 485 was in appeal due to invocation of 140 by previous employer after 180 days of 485.

    So, I am sure there is something that is mis-guiding us here. As suggested above, Do you think if sending an email to CIS ombudsman as an individual would help? or can we do it under IV's banner if that is more effective? Suggestions?

    desi - I am not sure how we do that but I personally think if we ask such a thing we are letting USCIS send us denial notice even though they must not send it.

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  • ganguteli
    06-11 03:08 PM
    I keep reading we should fight for out rights and all. I am just curious
    where does it say if on is on H1B or F1, he or she has a right to get a GC. GC or citizenship is a privilege, we cant demand it or force someone to give it to us. Its a simple demand and supply situation, there are more visa seekers then there is availability and therefore there is a waiting period. i am not sure why we don't accept the simple fact that there are way too many people from developing country like ours moving to US, and not everyone can be accommodated ASAP. i think US has every right to do what it thinks is best for her, even if we don't agree with that,
    And those who say its discrimination, discrimination is when people from Bihar are beaten up on the streets of mumbai cause they are taking jobs away from marathi manus. Had there been so many techies from around the world taking up jobs in India, we would have seen street lynching.

    We are fighting against anti-immigrant idiots like you.
    Greencard is our right because we have been waiting long enough and paid a lot for it, and we will not just take greencard but also get our citizenship. After getting citizenship we will make our pro-immigrant senators win election and help defeat anti-immigrant Senators. We will contribute money in getting pro-immigrant lawmakers get elected. Got it ?
    We will also tackle idiot old good for nothing racist programmers like you and make sure you remain losers in life.


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  • gonecrazyonh4
    04-25 08:52 PM
    We stood in the backlog queue. 3 years. 4 years. Now, we are standing in the I-485 adjustment of status (to apply) queue.

    Neither the USCIS nor anyone else have real hard numbers of how many are in each in queue. So, what makes you think that you will NOT be stranded again, like us, in the latter queue. Let me tell you; things are not pretty. PERM has eased or will ease LCs and backlogs. The attempt at IV will help folks affected by retrogression take less years to apply for I-485.

    I dont expect the wait to be any less longer .. But I would surely welcome priority date being based on H1 start date as it would be more fair method

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  • hpandey
    06-11 10:43 AM
    In a weird way, I feel this is good news. An old saying in China says 'Things will turn to their opposite at their extremes'. The moment before dawn is the darkest hour of the day.

    I agree with you buddy. At least USCIS has removed uncertainity from the visa bulletin which is in one way a good thing. Now at least no one would keep a thread open every month for next month's prediction.

    I still have a hope that anything can happen . Being pessimistic never helped anyone. Look what happened at the end of the 80's when all the illegals were given GC and how visa recapture happened in 2000. You never know what the future holds.


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  • gc28262
    08-12 11:06 AM
    Why is the senator backtracking from "chop shop" comment ? Here is why

    Visa row: US keen not to hurt ties with India before Obama visit - US - World - The Times of India (

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  • rockstart
    06-25 02:32 PM
    I have no problems working for millionaires and billionaires but because of government apathy most of the big corporations are scared of hiring people on H1B ( to be specific on their own h1b) When I went to school in Kentucky which is not very industrialized state we had Toyota, Lexmark as top companies in our area but both did not want to sponsor H1B. The only way you can work with them is by joining some small time consulting firm and working as contractor. Else these guys just outsource their development to TCS/ Wipro folks. So the billionaire business man gets hsi work done from offshore place and qualified people start to move to IT jobs and code in java or dotnet.

    And then you lose your libido :). Agreed�. With the delay you lose the golden period in your career and end up at a lower level. Most of the self made millionaires rockstarted young when they had the drive and desire. I still say America gains more than what they lose by delaying GC process. If they hand out GCs faster then who will work for those millionaires and billionaires?.


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  • bp333
    03-04 06:25 PM
    After reading all these, got curious and checked status of my cases online after a year. I got a soft lud on my, my wife & son's case on 02/25. Something is definitely happening.

    Sorry for being ignorant. How can we determine LUD (last update date) and what is meant my soft LUD ?

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-09 07:52 AM
    This is becoming like a person who buys lottery regularly. Then every time before the results are going to come out, starts dreaming and then gets disappointed as his number is not drawn.

    Stop dreaming! This is not a lottery. Please contribute to FOIA and lets find the real numbers.


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  • CADude
    11-14 05:21 PM
    It's call reseach topic.. We have to find some USCIS support documents for each case. We need some earlier USCIS decisions for each senarios/theories.

    RG provided few supporting CIS rules in earlier post and seems logical. But not sure if RG or RK is right.

    It's confusing indeed.

    I went thru' both links posted above in thread.

    It seems that according to RG, EAD will remain valid till the time to file appeal (MTR), once appeal is filed the applicant would be able to work. He also suggested to go on EAD to save any time remaining from initial 6 years.

    According to RK, EAD will be invalidated, person is to be deported as soon as CIS denies 485 in error. He strongly suggest NOT TO GO on EAD if some one has H1 as an option.

    According to Chandu's blog, RK seems to be correct; but then RG is also a very reputed and experienced immigration lawyer.

    What is correct? Both are 180 degree opposite to each other? Any one?

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  • indio0617
    03-08 01:28 PM
    Senator Cornyn supports Kyl amendment for barrier only at a few places and not across the entire border

    I can hear it too now. The debate is about illegal aliens and about building fences and border security...


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  • lacchij
    08-10 12:26 PM
    Got the receipts numbers for 485,765,131 from the checks...Applied to Nebraska ...Notice was sent on 08/07/07...

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  • rahul98
    07-20 04:35 PM
    Maybe some has asked this question before...why was this not posted on IV ? It would have helped to have everyone's focus on this rather than the youtube and thank you cards campaign.



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  • veni001
    06-04 02:03 PM
    It is really tricky to come up with a deadline for EB employment. US is set of laws and the law is same for every one it applies. for example:If you not from a retrogressed country you will get your GC even if you start now (before enactment of this bill).
    Please know the difference between bill and law. If ever this particular bill becomes law the deadline for any cases filed under previous law will not be rejected, this is as clear as mud, to make the law same for all who applied/pending /approved on the day of enactment!!.:eek:

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  • bp333
    03-04 11:11 AM
    Not sure if something is cooking at USCIS, last week an USCIS office called my attroney to get clarification on why we (my wife and I) are residing at separate addresses. We are in the process of relocation (company moved), my wife chose to continue her employment while she's searching for opportunities in the new location. The officer stated that they are trying to adjudicate the cases ASAP, hence he's inquiring to ensure there isnt any marriage fraud. My attorney responsed back will all the possible evidence to proved we are together.

    Has anyone had a similar experience.

    My PD: Aug 2004
    Cat: EB3 India.


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  • ragz4u
    03-09 08:34 AM
    They are debating whether the current 2000 border troops should be increased to 2400

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  • map_boiler
    07-05 01:17 PM
    I just used the letter above (slightly edited) to email senators Bennett and Hatch from Utah.

    Today I made my first $100.00 contribution to IV. Go IV!

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  • mbartosik
    03-26 04:34 PM
    PD Dec 2002
    45 day letter around July 2006
    replied to 45 day letter within a couple of days
    RIR EB3
    Region NY

    Currently on 7th year of H1B

    08-02 05:02 PM
    I have talked to a representative and he very patiently explained me about the mess.
    He clearly and very clearly told me that they have a deadline to send all receipts for June end and July 2nd filers by friday (tomorrow) or worst case monday.

    He mentioned that they are working hard to meet this deadline.
    Hope this clears the anxiety.

    This is true for NSC only.

    Hey vow!,

    Thanq so much for the good news!U filled us with lots of hope!


    11-08 07:03 PM
    Los Angeles - District 36 100.0% of 399 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Jane Harman (I)
    Dem 92,222 63.5%
    Brian Gibson
    GOP 46,312 31.9%
    James Smith PFP 3,979 2.7%
    Mike Binkley Lib 2,757 1.9%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Los Angeles - District 37 100.0% of 333 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Juanita Millender-McDonald (I)
    Dem 69,901 82.4%
    Herb Peters Lib 14,925 17.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Los Angeles - District 38 100.0% of 294 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Grace Napolitano (I)
    Dem 66,442 75.5%
    Sidney Street
    GOP 21,606 24.5%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Los Angeles - District 39 100.0% of 305 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Linda Sanchez (I)
    Dem 64,274 66.0%
    James Andion
    GOP 33,138 34.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Los Angeles - District 46 100.0% of 147 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Dana Rohrabacher (I)
    GOP 30,319 54.1%
    Jim Brandt
    Dem 23,743 42.3%
    Dennis Chang Lib 2,007 3.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Madera - District 18 100.0% of 5 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Kanno
    GOP 190 62.3%
    Dennis Cardoza (I)
    Dem 115 37.7%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Madera - District 19 100.0% of 99 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    George Radanovich (I)
    GOP 16,049 64.7%
    TJ Cox
    Dem 8,739 35.3%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Marin - District 6 100.0% of 210 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Lynn Woolsey (I)
    Dem 52,217 71.0%
    Todd Hooper
    GOP 18,872 25.7%
    Richard Friesen Lib 2,423 3.3%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Mariposa - District 19 100.0% of 21 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    George Radanovich (I)
    GOP 4,185 59.1%
    TJ Cox
    Dem 2,901 40.9%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Mendocino - District 1 100.0% of 208 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Mike Thompson (I)
    Dem 12,185 68.1%
    John Jones
    GOP 4,653 26.0%
    Pamela Elizondo Grn 688 3.8%
    Timothy Stock PFP 364 2.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Merced - District 18 100.0% of 114 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Dennis Cardoza (I)
    Dem 23,752 64.5%
    John Kanno
    GOP 13,078 35.5%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Modoc - District 4 100.0% of 20 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Doolittle (I)
    GOP 2,174 59.3%
    Charlie Brown
    Dem 1,230 33.6%
    Dan Warren Lib 262 7.1%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Mono - District 25 100.0% of 13 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Buck McKeon (I)
    GOP 1,935 52.6%
    Robert Rodriguez
    Dem 1,600 43.5%
    David Erickson Lib 147 4.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Monterey - District 17 100.0% of 184 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Sam Farr (I)
    Dem 40,157 72.0%
    Anthony De Maio
    GOP 15,612 28.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Napa - District 1 100.0% of 115 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Mike Thompson (I)
    Dem 20,225 68.4%
    John Jones
    GOP 8,280 28.0%
    Pamela Elizondo Grn 661 2.2%
    Timothy Stock PFP 403 1.4%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Nevada - District 4 100.0% of 101 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Charlie Brown
    Dem 17,026 54.0%
    John Doolittle (I)
    GOP 12,840 40.7%
    Dan Warren Lib 1,649 5.2%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Orange - District 40 100.0% of 443 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Ed Royce (I)
    GOP 76,250 66.3%
    Florice Hoffman
    Dem 35,744 31.1%
    Philip Inman Lib 2,993 2.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Orange - District 44 100.0% of 97 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Ken Calvert (I)
    GOP 17,129 67.8%
    Louis Vandenberg
    Dem 7,510 29.7%
    Kevin Akin PFP 632 2.5%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Orange - District 46 100.0% of 390 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Dana Rohrabacher (I)
    GOP 60,490 61.7%
    Jim Brandt
    Dem 33,907 34.6%
    Dennis Chang Lib 3,693 3.8%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Orange - District 47 100.0% of 256 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Loretta Sanchez (I)
    Dem 31,656 61.9%
    Tan Nguyen
    GOP 19,525 38.1%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Orange - District 48 100.0% of 575 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Campbell (I)
    GOP 86,479 59.0%
    Steve Young
    Dem 55,839 38.1%
    Bruce Cohen Lib 4,264 2.9%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Placer - District 4 100.0% of 365 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Doolittle (I)
    GOP 44,469 48.9%
    Charlie Brown
    Dem 42,387 46.6%
    Dan Warren Lib 4,153 4.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Plumas - District 4 100.0% of 29 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Doolittle (I)
    GOP 4,161 50.8%
    Charlie Brown
    Dem 3,645 44.5%
    Dan Warren Lib 393 4.8%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Riverside - District 41 100.0% of 188 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Jerry Lewis (I)
    GOP 11,802 61.3%
    Louie Contreras
    Dem 7,445 38.7%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Riverside - District 44 100.0% of 329 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Ken Calvert (I)
    GOP 46,465 56.0%
    Louis Vandenberg
    Dem 33,849 40.8%
    Kevin Akin PFP 2,664 3.2%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Riverside - District 45 100.0% of 559 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Mary Bono (I)
    GOP 62,007 59.4%
    David Roth
    Dem 42,384 40.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Riverside - District 49 100.0% of 206 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Darrell Issa (I)
    GOP 24,100 61.6%
    Jeeni Criscenzo
    Dem 13,624 34.8%
    Lars Grossmith Lib 1,389 3.6%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Sacramento - District 3 100.0% of 522 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Dan Lungren (I)
    GOP 75,352 58.8%
    Bill Durston
    Dem 49,473 38.6%
    Douglas Tuma Lib 2,013 1.6%
    Michael Roskey PFP 1,330 1.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Sacramento - District 4 100.0% of 27 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    John Doolittle (I)
    GOP 4,255 54.6%
    Charlie Brown
    Dem 3,174 40.7%
    Dan Warren Lib 371 4.8%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Sacramento - District 5 100.0% of 410 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Doris Matsui (I)
    Dem 76,013 70.9%
    Claire Yan
    GOP 25,028 23.3%
    Jeff Kravitz Grn 4,728 4.4%
    John Reiger PFP 1,483 1.4%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    Sacramento - District 10 100.0% of 11 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Ellen Tauscher (I)
    Dem 275 58.1%
    Darcy Linn
    GOP 198 41.9%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    San Benito - District 17 100.0% of 57 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Sam Farr (I)
    Dem 6,506 69.9%
    Anthony De Maio
    GOP 2,808 30.1%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    San Bernardino - District 25 100.0% of 97 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Buck McKeon (I)
    GOP 12,506 53.5%
    Robert Rodriguez
    Dem 9,692 41.4%
    David Erickson Lib 1,189 5.1%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    San Bernardino - District 26 100.0% of 148 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    David Dreier (I)
    GOP 27,333 56.0%
    Cynthia Matthews
    Dem 18,452 37.8%
    Ted Brown Lib 1,803 3.7%
    Elliott Graham AIP 1,185 2.4%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    San Bernardino - District 41 100.0% of 372 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Jerry Lewis (I)
    GOP 70,209 67.8%
    Louie Contreras
    Dem 33,332 32.2%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

    San Bernardino - District 43 100.0% of 287 precincts reporting

    Candidate Party Vote Count % Votes Cast
    Joe Baca (I)
    Dem 43,571 65.0%
    Scott Folkens
    GOP 23,432 35.0%
    Updated: 11/8/2006 7:43 PM ET

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