Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • pappu
    08-01 01:15 PM
    I will be more than happy if I can help. Please note I do not have any journalism background.

    Thank you for your offer and also other people who are sending me PM for this. We will try to get as many as possible so that we can submit to multiple newspapers and websites.

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  • balakot
    02-18 02:43 PM
    Look's like the DOS is trying to maintain a year difference in the priority dates for EB2-I and EB2-C.
    My guess for the April 2009 Visa Bulliten is April 1st 2004 for EB2-I and April 1st 2005 for EB2-China.

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  • gc_maine2
    08-26 03:17 PM
    I don't know that they charge 400 for password change:mad:, I recently did it and also Customer care never informed me about this charge...

    Check their interest rate and their service fee. I don't have to say anything anymore.

    By the way what kind of convenience you received from ICICI bank? Recently i asked for a password change. You know the procedure for changing the password? I don't want to waste a page here. You yourself go and verify.

    Apart from that you have to pay close to 400 rupees for every password change. Tell me if i am wrong. I challenge you.

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  • Raju
    07-06 04:05 PM
    AILA has reported a very interesting or confusing DOS LegalNet Office letter which one of the members received towards the fact that the consular posts had already been allocated their numbers for the month of July prior to EB visa numbers becoming unavailable on July 2 and that the posts may continue to use their July allocations of EB numbers, and continue to issue Immigrant Visas for the rest of this month, July, for those applicants who were scheduled for IV interviews in July. Hm.....................................

    This was what I mentioned earlier. This was reported by AILA a while ago.


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  • ashutrip
    06-22 11:28 AM
    Visa Bulletin suggests that severe cut-off date retrogressions are likely to occur early in FY 2008, which starts on October 1, 2007.

    So we still have some time on our side.
    Hope will keep us alive!!

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  • inskrish
    08-17 03:12 AM
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

    For Disclaimers: on step (1), x is also a random number, and the coin used on step (4) by USCIS may sometimes have neither tail nor head..:D


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  • gc28262
    08-12 11:22 AM
    This will infact increase offshoring.

    These companies will pay the extra fees, but will change their onshore/offshore model. Will use less H1/L1 visas , but will increase the headcount of offshore operations.

    So the smart senator will force more jobs to be outsourced. These jobs will never comeback once gone. If we look back at the 2000 recession, it caused a major shift in the way US companies looked at outsourcing. Pre-2000 many companies didn't believe that all jobs could be outsourced. 2000 recession forced them to think otherwise.

    These kind of bills will cause a re-thinking in corporate america's thought process. They will think of creative ways to outsource. Against this senator's hopes, it will reduce jobs here.

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  • santb1975
    06-04 01:49 PM
    Thanks for your contribution

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  • santb1975
    06-13 01:42 AM
    will we reach 20k atleast??

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  • vrbest
    03-10 07:26 AM
    I would say we all need to know our status well first :) There is no such status as EAD. It is Adjustment of Status (AOS) Pending. I had done multiple refi and all I had to tell them is GC pending. They get copy of EAD just to have a reference that I am legal here at the time of application (since it has an end date). Had no issues so for.

    I think the key is the person approving the loan needs to understand immigration to certain extent. Its important that we let the officer know up-front about our immigration status so that there are no assumptions and surprises.


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  • beppenyc
    03-08 01:23 PM
    Barriers? Means walls? Does Senator Kennedy is in or is still at lunch?:)

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  • santb1975
    05-25 02:31 PM
    The amendments were on the senate side and the HR bills are from the house side. Please contact your state chapter lead (walking_dude for MI) for updates and find out what's happening. We have lot of work to do and we really need volunteers. I am unable to post any info. on this public forum which is open to the world.

    so the amendmants which were linked to war bill are differant than all this HR bills.....?


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  • WeShallOvercome
    08-02 03:58 PM
    I had an email conversation with my lawyer regarding 180 day portability.
    She said that the count for 180 days should begin with notice date for safe side.
    However the count begins with Receipt Date which is a day or 2 off from the actual application receive date (mail received date).
    This is what i got from my lawyer.

    Your lawyer is a wise person.. Although we know the count starts from Received date, we should plan with ND to be absolutely safe!

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  • gk_2000
    08-24 02:17 PM
    First be clear whats your point and then enlighten us how this supports it

    One of my points: "loopholes" are NOT what we are here to fight against. Now, is the rest of your reply relevant?

    And anyone who irritates you is a troll. So be it. This troll is there to prevent nonsensical ideas

    Please let me know how this so called multinational executives are getting compensated. Whats the stock/option given to these executives. The available information shows only three days of extended stay and one week of car which they need to share with other executives. Fortunately the extended stay suites come with attached rest room. Otherwise they need to share with other multinational executives. There would be long queue in front of the shared room and eventual back log...

    Yeap...we are very envious about this. Let it be. I am not going to post anything on this any more and feeding the troll.

    Yeah, I was so envious about that designation, that I have to leave it risking by giving 2 months of advance notice(policy of the company to give 2 months notice) and finding an employer who could file my H1 and suffering 1 yr of constant followups with the company to get my pay and PF and so on. And forgot to mention, that if 2 months notice is not given we are asked to sign an agreement to pay back close to 10 grand.
    Is this how a multinational executive gets treated who are fortunately qualified for the EB1 category and company projects you as most valuable employee for business development who would be sponsoring you EB1.

    All this will feed the anti's and true trolls. Why don't we focus on our objectives?

    If the company really feels the need , they may as well recruit someone locally who might be much more qualified without going through all of those hassles. All this is done as part and parcel of exploiting the system and its employees.
    Luckily we have a choice whether to stay or not and move on to a different status like H1.

    Don't we?


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  • mrdelhiite
    06-21 01:38 PM
    This has been there since a long time . Every new process has its backes and the resisters . The president of the US resisted the telephone also when Edison invented it . Relax don't lose your sleep about it . Atlanta is backlogged due to the incompetence and heavy workload of workers there . nothing more , nothing less .

    I agree with you 100%... no point in being paranoid about what can happen ... if it does we will find a way to deal with it

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  • gbof
    02-08 08:32 PM
    you need to stop getting answers from others and solve this problem amicably with you wife. There is nothing better than a one-one discussion with her.

    Marrying is like buying a company, you have a moral obligation to account for any liabilities she may have.

    Understand, she may have been the sole income earner in India for her parents. It doesnot hurt for you to send say 200-300 dollars every month. 700 dollars every month from your check is not that big deal (350 for each family). Don't make it a long term solution.

    You have filed 485, what stops your wife from getting a job here?? Does she want to stay at home, watch TV and enjoy life? if she thinks that way, let her know, if she wants to send money to her parents long term, she needs to get out of house, find a job
    Your wife should also have the heart to not burden you with financial requests. If she can get a job here, she should. If she earns money, its her's and its upto her how she spends that. If you can afford to tell her that, do it.

    These are somethings that you folks should have thought by now and discussed. If not, then you know now

    Please, do understand proper communication is not possible in circumstances like this and that is th root cause of frustrations ( I know it because I am still going through this). Also with a baby to think or ask for job require lot of intelligent planning at home.


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  • ragz4u
    03-16 03:29 PM
    WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today reached agreement on proposals for a new guest-worker program and a plan to allow the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States to become permanent residents.

    Less than 24 hours after most experts and Capitol Hill watchers believed the committee would be unable to get a bill to the Senate floor by Majority Leader Bill Frist's March 27 deadline, committee Chairman Arlen Specter had brokered deals between some key senators on the complex issue.

    No formal votes were taken and committee staffs were preparing to spend the next 10 days drafting language that would put in place the compromises reached. It appeared that at least a dozen of the 18 members on the panel would be prepared to back this deal. The committee plans to meet first thing in the morning on March 27. It is not yet known whether Frist will allow the panel to finish and send its bill to the Senate floor or if he still plans to bring up a more limited, possibly enforcement-only measure.
    But even if nothing scuttles the compromise between now and when lawmakers get back from recess, and if the Senate passes a bill with these elements, there would remain a steep battle to get agreement from the House. The House passed an enforcement-based measure in December that doesn't include a guest-worker program or a plan for undocumented immigrants in the United States now.

    Early this afternoon, Frist announced his intention to introduce a bill before next week’s recess that would deal with enforcement of immigration laws but will not include any of the controversial guest-worker or illegal immigrant provisions. Officials in Frist’s office say he is doing this to ensure that there is a bill ready on the floor if the committee fails to pass one. If Specter does get a bill out of committee, said Frist press secretary Amy Call, that could be substituted for the majority leader’s measure.

    The most likely scenario, said ardent supporters of immigration reform who were pleasantly stunned by today's events, is that this will end in a stalemate, only to be brought up again in the next Congress. But they say it's important that the Senate go on record as supporting comprehensive change.

    For the first time, Specter, R-Pa., who said he spent hours on the phone last night with Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., agreed to Kennedy's plan to deal with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Specter would have allowed these people to work indefinitely but not get green cards. Kennedy wanted to give them a path to legalization.

    Specter agreed this morning with Kennedy's approach, provided that these illegal immigrants would not be able to start legalization proceedings until the backlog of 3 million people now waiting in countries around the world for their chance to come to the United States legally get their green cards.

    The deal reached on a new guest-worker plan says that 400,000 new guest workers would be allowed into the country each year. Under the proposal authored by Kennedy and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., that number would have been unlimited. But Kennedy, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, agreed to a cap and also agreed that after working for two years, these new guest workers would have to go back to their home countries and reapply for another stint as guest workers, one that could last up to six years. But first they'd have to stay in their home countries for one year.

    Built into this compromise, however, is a chance for these workers to get a waiver and not go home based on how long they have been employed here or if they are considered essential to a U.S. employer's business.

    The plan also allows guest workers to apply for permanent U.S. residency, something not included in either Specter's bill or the other major proposal under consideration, the bill by Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.

    Kennedy essentially compromised with Cornyn, who chairs the immigration subcommittee. The deal takes parts of each of their proposals.

    Not all members of the committee agreed with these compromises.
    Kyl said he still believed the illegal immigrants would get preference over those waiting legally in line overseas because the undocumented would be able to stay in the U.S. and work until their turn at a green card came. Those waiting to come here legally don't have that option, he said.

    And several committee members most opposed to a guest-worker program – most notably Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., were not at this morning's session.

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  • kaisersose
    06-10 12:04 PM
    One word answer:


    So AC21 and visa recapture happened without anyone trying for it.

    They increased quota of H1B, did AC21 because it was a market demand.
    Now the economy is down, there are elections, jobless rate is high............ so think why will they increase h1B quota or greencard quota? What is the incentive for government?

    I have always held that asking for quota increase is a bad idea and will not happen.

    Visa recapture is the best bet and even that appears to be a hassle as there are many factions opposing it.

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  • rockstart
    06-27 03:00 PM
    Instead of telling them what they will lose, lets tell them what they gained from us and what they would not have if it were not for the immigrants.

    If two thirds of all PhD's are foreign born. And 60% of Masters degree holders are also not US citizens. Now this is the best talent that US corporations need to keep up the competative edge. No infosys wipro can fill this void.

    12-10 06:34 PM
    Biggest mistake or unlucky whoever missed July 07 fiasco.

    Probably both!!! It ain't gonna happen again unless CIR passes or DoS changes their strategy.

    01-03 05:59 PM
    i came to US in 1999.since 99 i gave my half of the savings for expenses of my father like my sister wedding ,bought a new car and others which my dad think should be in the house as his son is in US(social status).if i would be in india i would never had think of that.for me GC is freedom card to change job ,my wife can work and i live happy life.I think now it is not possible for me to work in india inspite of tremondous the expectation of the family members is too much now and because those must be the first one whom i have to explain that why i am coming back to i think there is no way going back until you are forced to do that.i don't miss my family as i talk to them daily and i can ask them to travel here any time i want.its not 60s and 70s in which you have to think several times before visiting my suggestion whatever the decision you make just belive in yourself.explore all the options before making any decision.

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