Tuesday, June 28, 2011

architecture in helsinki fingers crossed

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  • cubatx512
    07-20 05:11 PM
    I'm Cuban and I met my wife while on a trip to the island. I brought her over to the states on a K1 visa. Unfortunately things did not work out between us. Now she is going back to the island for a while and plans to come back. She still has not been here the 1 year and 9 months she's required to stay married to me in order to fulfill all of the K1 visa requirements.

    My question is; if she leaves the states and we have divorced, will she be able to re-enter the states?

    Let me know if more info is needed.

    Any advice/suggestion/counseling will be most appreciated.

    Thank you in advanced.

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  • GCBy3000
    04-26 05:50 PM
    May be they are all busy with H1b mess. I am not sure.

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  • Macaca
    08-05 07:42 AM
    A Polarized, and Polarizing, Congress (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/03/AR2007080301949.html) By David S. Broder (davidbroder@washpost.com), August 5, 2007

    The distinguishing characteristic of this Congress was on vivid display the other day when the House debated a bill to expand the federal program that provides health insurance for children of the working poor.

    Even when it is performing a useful service, this Congress manages to look ugly and mean-spirited. So much blood has been spilled, so much bile stockpiled on Capitol Hill, that no good deed goes untarnished.

    The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a 10-year-old proven success. Originally a product of bipartisan consensus, passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton, it was one of the last domestic achievements before Monica and impeachment fever seized control.

    It is up for renewal this year and suddenly has become a bone of contention. President Bush underfunded it in his budget; the $4.8 billion extra he proposed spending in the next five years would not finance insurance even for all those who are currently being served.

    But when the Senate Finance Committee proposed boosting the funding to $35 billion -- financed by a hefty hike in tobacco taxes -- Bush threatened a veto, and he raised the rhetorical stakes by claiming that the measure was a step toward "government health insurance."

    That was surprising news to Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Orrin Hatch of Utah, two staunch conservatives who had joined in sponsoring the Senate bill, which the Senate Finance Committee supported 17 to 4.

    But rather than meet the president's unwise challenge with a strong bipartisan alternative, the House Democratic leadership decided to raise the partisan stakes even higher by bringing out a $50 billion bill that not only would expand SCHIP but would also curtail the private Medicare benefit delivery system that Bush favors.

    To add insult to injury, House Democratic leaders then took a leaf from the old Republican playbook and brought the swollen bill to the floor with minimal time for debate and denied Republicans any opportunity to offer amendments.

    The result was undisguised fury -- and some really ugly exchanges on the floor. The worst, given voice by former speaker Dennis Hastert, a Republican from Illinois, among others, was the charge that the Democrats were opening the program to illegal immigrants. The National Republican Congressional Committee distributed that distortion wholesale across the country in a flurry of news releases playing to the same kind of nativist prejudice that sank the immigration reform bill. In fact, governors of both parties support the certification system included in the bill for assuring that families meet citizenship requirements; the governors know that too many legal residents have been wrongly disqualified because they could not locate their birth certificates.

    In the end, the House bill passed on a near-party-line vote, 225 to 204, far short of the margin that would be needed to override the promised Bush veto. That means the program will probably have to be given a temporary renewal before the Sept. 30 deadline, and eventually Democrats and the White House will negotiate an agreement.

    So it will go down as one more example of unnecessary conflict. No rational human being could explain why a program that both parties support and both want to continue could ignite such a fight.

    But that is Washington in this era of polarized politics. As Congress heads out for its August recess, it has accomplished about as much as is usually the case at this stage. It passed an overdue increase in the minimum wage and an overdue but healthy package of ethics reforms. It moved some routine legislation.

    But what the public has seen and heard is mainly the ugly sound of partisan warfare. The Senate let a handful of dissident Republicans highjack the immigration bill. Its Democratic leadership marched up the hill and back down on repeated futile efforts to circumscribe American involvement in Iraq, then shamefully pulled back from a final vote when a constructive Republican alternative to the Bush policy was on offer.

    The less-than-vital issue of the firing of eight U.S. attorneys has occupied more time and attention than the threat of a terrorist enclave in Pakistan -- or the unchecked growth of long-term debts that could sink Medicare and Social Security.

    And when this Congress had an opportunity to take a relatively simple, incremental step to extend health insurance to a vulnerable group, the members managed to make a mess of it.

    It's no wonder the approval ratings of Congress are so dismal.

    2011 Architecture In Helsinki architecture in helsinki fingers crossed. keep your fingers crossed.
  • keep your fingers crossed.

  • El Hacko
    March 20th, 2006, 07:47 PM
    Love the contrast..Lots of black...lots of white...no gray muddled tones...Crisp image.
    Nice shot Freddy

    Lc Approved But I-140 Not Filed 180 Days. Please Help [Archive] - Immigration Voice

    View Full Version : Lc Approved But I-140 Not Filed 180 Days. Please Help


    architecture in helsinki fingers crossed. Architecture in Helsinki
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  • ng123456
    10-28 05:38 PM
    I came in on an F1 and got transfered to a H1B without leaving the country.
    My H1 was approved for 3 years ie till 2012.
    Due to problems at my work place, my H1 got revoked by my employer.
    I'm in the medical profession, hence, jobs are few and far between if removed form a training program such as I was in. The next cycle of jobs dont start employment till July 2011.
    I am currently within the 180 day limit.
    What are my options? My countrys consulate is known to be tight fisted with visas, especially as I have overstayed since I lost my job abruptly.
    If my fiance and I do get married, am I eligible for for adjustment of status?

    Please help!

    architecture in helsinki fingers crossed. The Envy- Fingers Crossed
  • The Envy- Fingers Crossed

  • GCard_Dream
    03-21 05:17 PM
    I am just wondering if anyone can suggest a good immigration attorney in Arizona. I need to find a good attorney as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your inputs.


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  • Free fingers crossedget free

  • Jaime
    09-12 04:14 PM
    The worrying news below talk about findings that the U.S. has lost influence abroad as a result of the Iraq war, thus encouraging detractors such as Russia and Iran...so, this begs the question: Is this really the time for the country to also encourage loss of influence at home, by promoting a massive and catastrophic Reverse Brain Drain? Ask most international students, they don't believe the U.S. is the future and thus they do not plan to remain here after their studies....if that is not "loss of influence at home" I don't know what is



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  • DesiGuy
    09-19 04:43 PM
    hi gurus, a question.

    I am currently out of US but working for same company in Europe

    I have approved 140, but waiting for PD to be current - (Jan/03, EB3-I).

    I am now a sr manager and seem to be eligible for EB1C (if company agrees).

    Option 1)
    - continue to stay in Europe and apply for 140 (eb1c)+CP
    - while waiting for 140 approval, am i eligible for: EAD and AC21 (after 180 days)

    Option 2)
    -move to US on L1 visa and apply for 140 (eb1c) + 485

    Option 3)
    - wait for PD for eb3 application to be current

    Hope the above makes sense.

    Can you pls suggest the best option & approx 'how much time' it will take for option 1 & 2. (understand option 3 is unpredictable).



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  • Blog Feeds
    03-29 07:50 AM
    2010 census data is gradually being released and it should worry anti-immigrants, particularly the Republican Party which has tried to appease the Tea Party gods by embracing a xenophobic agenda. Here's the latest, courtesy of CSM: White Americans are still the majority in the United States, but they�re rapidly being overtaken by Hispanics, according to the latest Census Bureau report, and this could have important political ramifications. During the past decade, the Hispanic population in the United States grew 43 times faster than the non-Hispanic white population, the Census Bureau reported Thursday. Put another way, between 2000 and 2010 the...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2011/03/hispanic-clout-growing.html)

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  • transpass
    11-13 04:19 PM
    All those antis who are really xenophobic can hardly understand the contributions of immigrants to American society...Especially organizations like programmer's guild who are against H1B...Open your eyes and check the following interesting link...

    Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense | Video on TED.com (http://www.ted.com/talks/pattie_maes_demos_the_sixth_sense.html)

    Here is the bio...

    Pranav Mistry (http://www.pranavmistry.com/)

    The dude has been cranking out research papers, has bunch of patents and BTW, would be an H1B. Every univ gets fed funding one way or the other. Does it mean the dude cannot be hired by a US univ? Otherwise, he is gonna take all that stuff back home...Do you see Mr. chuck grassley,what you are doing? Open your eyes, ron hira and guild fellas...:D

    Agreed, not every H1 is a genius, but every H1 is an immigrant who works his/her ass off, everyday contributing to americans' social security, medicare funds...


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  • I#39;m Faking” (In Case We

  • Meghna
    06-25 02:55 PM
    yes it is true
    Once the PDs are current I485 is thru RD

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  • Fingers Crossed

  • va_dude
    07-09 02:04 PM
    One of the docs folks usually send is an employment letter from your new employer detailing the job duties, etc.

    Most would give you this only after you join the new employer.

    I don't think an offer letter with job duties would suffice.

    Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.


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  • Pamp;P Presented Recently:

  • leoindiano
    03-18 10:55 AM

    under OPT you are still on F1 Visa...If you join another degree, you can still have F1, I believe you just need to inform the university on which your visa was issued about the university transfer. International affairs at your new univ. should help in this regard.

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  • I#39;m Faking” (In Case We

  • sparky_jones
    01-08 02:55 PM
    I received a status update email from USCIS yesterday on my wife's pending I-485 application. The status says "On November 5, 2007, the post office returned the notice we last sent you on this case I485 as undeliverable�.

    The status used to say "application is pending" as recently as a week ago. If some notice had indeed been returned to them, wouldn't the status have changed around Nov 5, 2007? Could this be an erroneous online status change? We completed our FP back in Oct 2007. we have received EAD, AP, etc. on our address properly, and haven't moved.


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  • Everyone keep their fingers

  • bharat.chandramouli
    12-09 12:35 PM

    I did not see a specific tracker for Advanced Parole applications at the NSC. So, here's my information:

    Receipt Date: August 15, 2007
    Notice Date: September 30, 2007
    Status: Not received yet:mad:

    Has any one filed in the same timeframe and received the AP document?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • [fingers crossed].

  • kmdhar
    06-16 10:31 AM
    Please let me know if you have any information on this. I am in the same boat. Do we have to file different PERM if moved to different location with in same metro area(city/county).



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  • my fingers crossed.

  • frostrated
    09-01 03:41 PM
    Is it having any advantage towards applying I-485 if getting married in US (H1B and other is on F1).

    Has no advantage where you get married.

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  • Fingers crossed !

  • Maria_Mathew
    04-03 12:32 PM
    Good info...


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  • sabgau
    04-06 11:06 AM
    I recently got my H1 3 yr extension based on I-140 approval, I want to change my job to company B but my employer Company A says that he will have to revoke the I-140(as per company attorneys), Will this affect my H1 extension(as in will I be out of status?) and can I retain my PD?

    Also does anyone know a good lawyer I can consult over the phone?


    November 15th, 2008, 09:51 PM
    Hey guys, I was wondering what program you guys use to view RAW files from your Sony (Alpha 200 in my case)?

    I am particularly interested in a viewer where I can scroll throw a folder of images quickly full scree, using the arrow keys on the keyboard, possibly with an option to zoom in 100% and also possibly where I can easily delete the image with a press of the Delete button. You guys know of any freebie utility viewer like that? I tried MaxView from Faststone but it does not seem to display the pic in high quality. Thanks.

    05-14 01:28 AM
    Thats pretty scary! Cool effect though!

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