Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • hpandey
    07-11 11:15 AM
    CIR is the Worst thing on the planet for the legals.

    Girish - CIR was meant to help the illegals not us folk. I hope we never have to see CIR again . It would just mean millions more ahead in line whereas we who have been waiting for years will be sent to the dustbin.:mad:

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  • GCwaitforever
    05-01 02:49 PM
    The fee we pay is very less compare to what we pay to Attorneys. And USCIS cannot drastically increase fees. And we are stuck. That is the reality.

    I think we should cut a check of same amount what we pay to attorneys.

    It is not the problem of money. If they privatize the USCIS operations, I will show how to get it done much quickly, correctly, with lot of customer interaction.

    USCIS wants you to believe what they tell you is the reality. It is not. They cover up their inefficiency with lies. There is way too much bereaucracy. Information does not trickle down from top to the bottom layers quickly, and top layer does not know what kind of operations are happening at bottom layer.

    At best, we are feeding their pension plans and cushy retirement benefits.

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  • texcan
    09-12 01:50 PM
    Thankyou sukhwinderd and ravish_kaipa.

    All, please remember my intention is to motivate the people who never contributed and who start
    a $50 monthly contribution at least for six months. Also don't forget to PM me when you
    start your monthly contibution.

    Anyway good start. sukhwinderd and ravish_kaipa please consider monthly contributions.

    Here are the details about my contribution of $100

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 1:02 PM EDT
    Google Order #366145912118249

    Kudos Milind123,

    You are an amazing person. I bow to your selflessness and
    wonderful community initiatives.


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  • shantanup
    06-24 10:00 AM
    Refer to the following thread. You may get some points.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    07-06 09:33 AM
    Why does the line on top of this page say

    Goal amount for this month: 10000 USD, Received: 0 USD (0%)

    I guess, last month is about $2500, and previous month is less than $2K.

    Any plans in your mind how to get every member pay $1 every month?

    I gave my opinion on this in past. As we are dealing "very intelligent" community, need straight forward agenda to collect donation. Vague ideas don't work for collecting donation in our community. Pappu took a nice initiative and published 5 high level agenda items. Lets analyze how much money each agenda will need and we can move forward from there.

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  • abhisec
    07-15 03:59 PM
    sent $10 thru bill pay. Let's keep going!


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  • pitha
    07-20 05:34 PM
    are u kidding? raise country cap to 10%!!!!!!!!!

    only solution is get rid of the country cap. Before anybody from ROW goes into a lecture about "diversity" blah blah blah please think with a rational mind. Getting rid of country quota is the only solution. things like increasing it to 10% etc will only reduce the backlog time for Indian applicants from 25 years to maybe 18 years.

    My take is that Sen. Cornyn's bill is too ambitious and tries to solve ALL the problems. It is never going to fly, especially in this political environment.

    We should focus on EB retrogression relief and try to get in only the absolute minimum relief needed to eliminate current backlogs.

    In my opinion, this is the absolute minimum:

    1) Clear DOL backlogs in BECs
    2) Recapture lost visa numbers
    3) Dont count dependants
    4) Raise per-country cap to 10%

    If we can only these rolled in to amendment, it should be easy to pass. We can start an awareness initiative to educate the senators and ensure it passes. If we shoot for too much, its next to impossible. Thats the sad reality.

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  • ganguteli
    06-11 03:39 PM
    As far as I know, I am pretty aggressive in investment and I am getting @15% right now.. which too in a very unconventional ways.. by investing in forex and start ups with a risk of loosing nearly 80% of the investment in a day. when you 100K-200K and get returns like 100k.. dude that 100%-50% investment.. please let me know where can I do that.

    I promise I gonna leave everything and go back with my money make investment in that and live the rest sipping feni by goa beach.

    ........And you have not contributed a dime yet to IV?


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  • satishku_2000
    07-05 05:05 PM
    No... Why?

    Can you please tell me the senators office you called so that I can call them too ..:) more calls the better

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  • ashutrip
    06-20 11:50 AM
    This is a really good site that shows the trends for everything (PERM, H1 transfer etc). Although the accuracy depends on the number of people who add their cases, it was almost exact to the day for my H1 transfer.
    it shows jan case still pending!!!!!!!!!!!!1:(


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  • bidhanc
    03-10 05:42 PM
    vparam/ anyone,

    i have 2 questions

    when i move into my own LLC how far do I need to go in terms of documents/ pay-stubs to prove to the USCIS that it's a legitimate company/ job offer? i guess i am a bit confused as to how to present to USCIS my dual role as owner/ employee with 140 job description?

    also from your experiences is it practical (in terms of taxation) to just run your own payroll (from consulting) through your LLC - meaning you are the only employee in your company?

    thanks in advance,

    Ref (Murthy): " Foreign nationals can port their cases to a self-employed position! This is a very favorable stance, as many foreign nationals desire to establish their own companies and, in that way, control their own destinies. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong among many immigrants. The Memo reiterates the need to show that the new position or job is the same or similar. It also states that the new employer and job offer must be legitimate.
    In these situations, the USCIS is to focus upon whether the original job offer was really the intended employment at the time the I-140 and I-485 were filed. That is, the petitioning company must have intended to employ the foreign national beneficiary and the foreign national beneficiary must have intended to accept the position at the time of filing the I-140 and the I-485."
    I think the 2nd paragraph means USCIS might want additional RFEs from your 140 employer later on to prove that original 140 employment offer was valid.

    From the above paragraph (quoted on Murthy site), it seems that it would be very much possible to just get self-employed (of course job description should be same and legal).

    But here are the Questions:
    1). How will USCIS be convinced that the original job offer was really the intended employment at the time the I-140 and I-485 were filed??
    2). How do you prove to USCIS that the original job offer was something that you intended to take on getting your GC?

    From the below excerpt (same Murthy site and part of above doc)

    Ability of New Sponsor to Pay
    The Memo clarifies that there should not be requests for "ability to pay" proof from the new sponsor as part of the I-140 approval process. However, the Memo does state that it would be appropriate to check the legitimacy of the new employer and the job offer in connection with the I-485 approval. So, the new employer may have to show financial viability and prove that there is a valid job offer in order for the foreign national employee and any family members to obtain the I-485 approval.

    3).Doesn�t the above mean that USCIS will still check to see if your (lets say) spouse�s company or start-up company has the ability to pay you?

    4). So, even though USCIS is saying �Yes� to self employment, will they (excerpt from mandersons musings)
    �..ask for 2 yrs of tax filings of future employer to prove that it's an established company (although they are not supposed to bring up 'ability to pay' issue which is already covered in approved 140 -- but being USCIS anything goes...)???

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  • slammer
    07-11 06:27 AM
    Here's the link

    No good news for EB 3 WW ?!



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  • whitecollarslave
    04-30 02:31 PM
    Can somebody post the link please?

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  • desidude
    07-15 10:38 AM
    Can anyone shed some light on this... I want to know how to pay thru BOA bill pay option.



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  • GCBy3000
    07-19 04:00 PM
    Yes, you can.Check with your attorney

    I have a question about a unique situation of getting stuck in BEC and applying 485 with a newer PERM case. If LC is stuck in BEC at this time, but the person has a new PERM+140 from a different location and applies 485. Can this person change the priority date of 485 when the old LC from BEC gets approved, and 140 approved, to the BEC PD?

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  • pappu
    06-04 01:37 PM
    Thanks Pappu. What kind of hurdles do u think?
    company size, Ability to pay issues, H1B dependent company, If any greencard denials have happened in the past, degree+ experience issue, labor subs...


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  • go_guy123
    07-20 10:09 AM
    He did not voted

    Clinton / Obama will never vote in favor of H1B / EB immigration now as they are running for election.

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  • SDdesi
    08-12 01:19 PM
    2. Desi consulting companies here with more than 50 employees will split them selves into 2 or 3 companies of less than 50 employees and avoid the 2000$ extra fee...

    LOL...such innovative thinking....

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  • softcrowd
    01-06 12:00 PM
    I studied in IIT (B.Tech), got M.S. and Ph.D. from here and now a professor. My observations/opinions are as follows:

    2. ....The rest are just crappy. And I know how crappy can they be from my experience. I have the misfortune of teaching 100's of students who come here with an Anna University (or Osmania) B.Tech./B.E. degree in engineering, and knows absolutely nothing. And I am not exaggerating: they cannot write an elementary program in any language (apparently they learn something called "theoretical" computer programming in which they do not actually learn to program); does not know any mathematics (most cannot integrate x*exp(x); one student could not tell me what is f(0.7) by looking at a graph of x vs. f(x)) and cannot operate simple lab equipments. It is just unbelievable! Anyway, moving on.

    I am not sure why people jump onto drawing conclusions so fast...look at the above post from a so called professor....he encountered a couple of a folks from some universities & concludes that those universities are just crappy....!! Many of my colleagues are from the professors' "oh-so-good" list of IITs/univs and they are no better!! (In fact, some of them suck so bad)!!

    raysaikat - Do you really think any student from the above crappy-univs could not tell what is f(0.7) by looking at the graph?? Do you really think those univs (anna/osm...) are so bad? Now another question for you come are you working in a university that's giving admissions to such a bunch of crappy folks...!!?? Given this fact, can we also safely assume that the university you are teaching-in is a Crappy one, which could only attract the bottom pile from your above list of crappy-universities??

    PS: Sorry for digressing from the main topic of the thread.

    01-03 02:56 PM
    I think it is the perspective that has changed. Until 2 years back we were ready to die to live in this country, we thought our country was crowded, polluted etc. etc. Things haven't changed much there. It's still same, criminals are still the most powerful, power, food & Shelter is still scarce, poor count hasn't decreased. It's just we are not seeing now 'the dark side of the moon'. There's no doubt our American dream is screwed up big time. We have ruined the best times in our lives. Out of these 1 million Visa holders, 1000's would have been entrepreneurs, artists, etc. etc. but this green card chase has beaten us down to H1B Visa holder forever.

    07-18 09:08 PM
    This is just a suggestion. Talk to your local Sears/Macys/Food4Less/etc/Indian Groceries / to collaborate in purchasing the coupons so that people can go get the coupons and present it to the respective stores. In the process say get a portion of it being contributed to IV. Work out some percentage model in which case it would be easier for people to contribute that extra amount instead of separately pulling out their card (people are lethargic to do this) and contributing to the google check out fund drive. Of course the other one is just another supplement of getting funds

    May be like google check out, why dont you have Amazon coupons.

    if you guys already thought of this and dont think works out. Ignore the post.

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