Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • kshitijnt
    06-26 02:22 PM
    not necessary ...replacements are difficult for key jobs and expertise. if the right person leaves the job ..then a small / medium (or even large ones) can go off road. more than replacement is the effort to find the right person, train him ..and for that person to go through the experience curve ..(I guess you are looking from your level ..are you in s.ware or in testing ?....if yes, you need to look at other higher levels ..ofcourse, for such people EB1 is available ..)
    but I agree does not hurt US as much since economy is so huge ..but it can definitely hurt the business firms ..this was the main reason why the law was changed (or passed) allow H-1 people to continue staying even after 6 years ..earlier they had to leave compulsorily..(I am not an expert feel free to correct).
    and this can happen either at highly skilled level in a big company to a smaller business..
    for e.g. a restaurant can go out of business if their main skilled cook is forced to leave due to immi (or something else).
    and ofcourse a v.big company may lose a skilled analyst (and similarly a scientist etc etc)

    Thats one thing. Again we are talking of replacing these key people in NUMBERS aka thousands? So what does america gain?

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  • loudobbs
    09-10 09:25 AM
    meant to say not illegal immigrants....:o:o

    and i am NOT the real Lou Dobbs. But in all seriousness guys, I think we really have to wake up. We are not illegal immigrants....
    And we are not asking for Amnesty...

    There is no deying the fact that this country has benefited from us much than us. How about some moral abligation and sense of fairness from this great country???

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  • Michael chertoff
    09-04 08:29 AM
    I think there is more smartness needed than luck in the greencard process. If you look at the posts in this thread there are some people that came to USA in 1990s and still waiting, while some that came much later are on their way to citizenship. Some got the EB2 route and are happy and some in EB3 have only gloom before them.


    Dear Pappu, what do you think about next bulletin? any internal information? there will a forward movement or reterogression?



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  • vdlrao
    07-11 11:41 AM
    I can understand the excitement. I am also in EB2 2005 PD. But the fact is that, this seems like a temporary movement only...i don't think dates can stay at 2006, going by simple math.

    PPl can give me those red marks, but i think dates will retrogress again by Oct.

    Nope I dont agree. Even though theres any retrogression it would be very mild.


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  • Madhuri
    09-10 04:42 PM
    Order Details - Sep 10, 2007 4:01 PM CDT
    Google Order #722113062529813
    Unfortunately I can not make it to the rally since I'll be starting on a new project. Contributed a small $100 towards this GREAT effort.
    Go IV!

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  • rcahk
    06-24 03:16 PM
    Do not complain, mine is RIR PD Oct. 2001 and still waiting. I think they should hire someone with brain to handle the missmanagement, like an H1 visa holder. Ooops, I forgot, cap already reached till Oct 2007.


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  • skakodker
    02-25 12:53 PM
    It is easy and potentially justifiable to feel some frustration. As it relates to the green card, I am in a similar situation to most who visit and share their views on this board.

    I view the Universe and everything that is contained therein to be perfect - there can be no imperfections. I find comfort in that thought and focus my attention on the following:

    feeling grateful for all that I have; doing my work to the best of my ability; taking the risks I believe I should take; being resilient; enjoying my life more; being patient; caring more; comparing less

    This is merely a statement of my beliefs - this works for me. It is not intended to offend anyone nor is it a solution to anyone's woes.

    Good times, health, and happiness to all.

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  • sparky_jones
    03-05 09:49 PM
    My PD is March-2003 and I didn't get the labor cleared till Late 2006

    I just can't help wondering how did you get your labor in 2004 with the PD of May-2003? How come snake of BEC didn't bite you? :)

    Not everyone from 2003 landed in the BECs. In those days, the processing time depended a lot on the state where the labor was filed from (and also on whether the case was filed in the RIR track, or the Non RIR track). My PD was Aug 2003 in the Non RIR track in MA. A friend of mine had a PD of May 2003 in the RIR track, also from MA. His labor was cleared in early 2004 before the BEC hell began. I got stuck in BEC. As luck would have it, retrogression struck and now we are both in the same boat!


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  • glen
    09-10 10:21 AM
    Contribution of $100. Google Order #246413310665091.

    I will be in DC for the rally.

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  • amitjoey
    07-13 04:45 PM
    Having some samples loaded will help other members in contacting. I agree that personal story will be more effective but atleast we will know format of request.



    Dear Senator
    I am a highly-skilled professional who entered this country legally. I�ve been waiting for my US permanent resident visa -also known as "Green Card" for the past several years along with 500,000 other educated, highly skilled employment based (EB) immigrants. Many of us have been waiting for our turn to get Green Cards for 5-10 years while consistently abiding by all the laws of this country. Such long delays are due to tortuous and confusing paper work, backlogs due to various quotas and processing delays at US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), other allied state and federal agencies.

    Several categories of EB immigrant visa (Green Card) numbers were unavailable (�retrogressed�) since the fall of 2005. Because our immigrant petitions are tied to the sponsoring employer.

    For the past several decades, the US Department of State (DOS) has been publishing advisories known as visa bulletins once a month to announce the availability of immigrant visa numbers. On June 13, 2007, after a gap of nearly two years, DOS announced that all EB visa numbers would be �current� for the month of July. This meant, irrespective of our �priority date� (date assigned to us for our turn in the line for Green Cards), all of us were made eligible to apply for some interim immigration benefits. This �priority date� refers to the date when our labor certification (documentation verifying no US citizen worker was available for a given job) had been filed.

    Please note that 6/13 DOS announcement would not have led to immediate green card for most of us; but at least it would have ensured us interim benefits such as the right to travel and right to work for any employer- this was still a welcome change. Especially, for dependent spouses who are otherwise unable to work, this would have translated into right to travel and work without restriction and thus channel their energies positively. Several dependent spouses are also highly-skilled.

    Tens of thousands of applicants spent thousands of dollars in legal fees, immigration medical exams & vaccinations & getting various supporting documents ready to file our immigrant petitions to USCIS, at times inconveniencing our old parents in our home countries as well. It has been an agonizing two weeks for us. Some of us to had to fly in our spouses from our home countries or have had to cut short business trips. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent by thousands of immigrants in preparation of their application. To our shock and dismay, on the morning of July 2nd 2007, USCIS announced that EB visa numbers were not available and all petitions filed in July would be rejected.

    For the legal skilled immigrants this has been a rather traumatizing and disheartening experience. These are people that are in the country legally, paid taxes and followed all the rules.

    We sincerely seek immediate congressional/ legislative remedial measures which would
    (1)Reduce the enormous backlogs of green card petitions of legal skilled immigrants
    (2)Ensure and request USCIS not to reject our immigrant visa petitions filed in July and provide us interim benefits of a pending immigrant visa petition. We make this sincere request with the hope that people who played by the rules will be rewarded.


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  • mallu
    03-31 11:42 PM
    Alright Guys, Let's ignore this Dard-e-disco guy he doesn't deserve a second of our time. To answer your question, one thing atleast USCIS can give us is, Release data like How many applications they have already received from Major Green Card Seeking countries and in which EB categories. All this data they would have entered in their computers, They can easily run these kind of reports, I'm sure they'll be having some Data Warehousing softwares. So atleast everybody of know where we stand today and stop predicting cut-off dates etc. etc.
    They can also make sure they send our APs and EADs in less than 90 days....

    As Ron Gotcher observed, they are still using DOS ( not department of state ! ) programs .

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  • Mouns
    04-30 03:48 PM
    The adjucation will always be of the same quality.

    Although it is too long now, they won't speed it up :mad:


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  • vijjus
    01-04 03:11 PM
    3 reasons:

    1. The work - when I came here the work I was interested in wasnt being done back home.
    2. The work culture - working under most desi managers is a pain in the backside and really stifling for me.
    3. Continuity - set up life here, got married, had my son. Its hard to just pull the plug and walk back.

    GC is just the means, not the end.

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  • senthil1
    08-04 05:29 PM
    H1b and GC are sponsered by employer and they have to pay. If employer asks employee to pay the expenses then that company is not legitimate and persons should avoid joining those companies. Most reputed companies will pay all the expenses of GC and H1b. Some will ask employees to pay for dependents EAD,AP etc.

    Consulting companies ask employees to pay GC and H1b if employees want to work hourly. That means employees wanted more money and they are taking risk(Also working hourly is against the H1b regulations as they have more chance for falling out of status).

    There's no law that employer should borne the cost of GC. I have spent almost 10K in my GC process until last year and 2K this year for EADs and APs. I spend about 3 K in one more GC process I started several years back which I abandoned because I changed the emloyer. I Spent 1000s of dollars in Visa stamping, H4 renewals. And yes I'm stuck for almost a decade. There are atleast 10 people I know who are in similar situations, so I'm guessing there'll be thousands in USA. These are facts it may not apply to you but does apply to lot of people here...


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  • Milind123
    09-13 11:36 AM
    Hello guys

    For many of us, today is payday. What better day than today to make your first time contribution. I understand most of the money that we get is earmarked for something or the other. In a few days we again start our long wait for the next paycheck. On CNBC, I heard one commentator talking about consumers and how apt they were to rearrange their expenditure to the changing environment. For us, the environment is pretty static in the Green card world and there is very little change in the last several years.

    So I urge you to rearrange your expenditure and contribute and see the environment change.

    Please remember I will contribute $25 for each contribution of $100 from a member who is making this contribution for the first time.

    Thanks for listening

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  • GC-Italy
    03-11 03:47 PM
    Something just popped up from my family.
    I filed concurrent 140-485-765-131 in Nebraska.
    DHL delivered the package on 1st of february.
    My checks were not yet cashed and I did not get any reply from USCIS (and neither did my lawyer).
    My lawyer said it is impossible and I am better off refiling but this implies redoing a lot of things that cost money and time.
    How can I try to expedite without a receipt number?


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  • h1techSlave
    04-30 04:58 PM
    I have a feeling that some positive will come out of this meeting. It might appear that USCIS is not understanding our plight. But they are made aware of our situation by this meeting. They sure will respond to our complaints.
    For all those who are upset with the House hearing, please take it easy. Please do not expect the hearing to discuss the details of each and every GC applicant's case. The objective of the hearing was to bring the folks involved in visa bulletins and GC processing, and make them all publically say and agree that Lofgren-Sensenbrenner bill will not flood the country with new people on the borders but at the same time since the federal agencies did not do their job properly, so it would make sense to recapture the visa numbers, and that's it.

    I think that this objective was achieved pretty handsomely without much opposition. So everybody was on the same page, other than Ranking member King, whose job in such meetings is to oppose whatever the committee chair is proposing. Rep. King did not have much to say as Rep. Sensenbrenner has co-sponsored the bill. Noticeably, Rep. Gutierrez supported the bill, which means Hispanic Caucus may not oppose it either, hopefully. So it was all good.

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  • gc_aspirant_prasad
    07-06 01:57 PM
    we really need this benefit....or else we may have our hair on fire....
    Rumor has to be true..or else I am ......................going to Canada
    me too. Personally I think Australia might have better weather but Canada is closer

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  • StarSun
    04-29 05:41 PM
    You can find the list of all US Senators currently serving listed alphabetically along with phone numbers U.S. Senate: Senators Home (

    class - Article I, section 3 of the Constitution requires the Senate to be divided into three classes for purposes of elections. Senators are elected to six-year terms, and every two years the members of one class�approximately one-third of the Senators�face election or reelection. Terms for Senators in Class I expire in 2013, Class II in 2015, and Class III in 2011.

    Lets get this moving!!!

    08-12 02:13 PM
    I'd say that some small-medium companies either in India or the 50-50 US bodyshops will happily ask the prospective-H1b to pay up Rs. 1,00,000 towards Schumer's fees :D

    Anyways, most of these bodyshops in US collect H1b fees from the applicants in India, right ?

    Infy, TCS, Satyam etc., will hire more janitors to bring their H1b/L1 % in US :D Or even buyout janitorial services companies :)

    08-04 12:49 PM

    I don't understand why you are picking up on facts and faults on other post.What mirage is saying is true.I know 3 families stuck up in this GC process...all true cases.

    There are some lucky people who have bought old labor substitution ;)who came to US in 2004 and got their GC's cleared and are very :D.

    Some really who have come here to in US for past 10 years genuine appliers are really stuck in this.They have all applied their labor and got them cleared only dec 2006.

    people who are interested can send those letters if not ignore the thread.

    If you are EB2 good for you...Its not that easy to change jobs having families..and when you are satisfied with the employer ,why would they change.

    Everyone here want GC to stay in this country.And we all are here to find solutions thru IV - active participation is better.

    Pani's letter is not that bad...if you dont like alter what you want to express and send it.People can write what they are facing only.

    this is not an argument...just felt bad when you were point blankly picking on them.

    I dont undestand :confused:

    But one thing I understand there are many , in general like to irritate and hurt other's sentiments and thoughts and pinpoint only faults.

    Becoz of this lack of unity only ,most of us face problems.

    First of all, I do support issues faced by EB-3 India applicants. However, a letter with many factual errors and words like bonded is not going to help. I am just trying to present my views.

    If I were OP, I will at least show my letter for some kind of legal review before sending. After all who would like to make condition bad to worse?

    Please refer to post by internet couple of posts back. He has raised many good points.

    Good Luck to everyone!

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