Friday, June 17, 2011

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  • chanduv23
    05-15 09:52 PM
    Looks like the effect of congressional office. I have soft LUDs on my I-485 and second MTR on 05/15/2009

    Well, there you go. I am sure your congress liason will give you some good news next week.

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:27 PM
    I know some of you must think:

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    Well $5 x 30,000 = $150,000 I hope people understand that, $150,000 is NOTHING to sneeze at. So people, you dont even need to dig too deep. Just FIVE DOLLARS.

    Less than the cost of a SUBWAY Sandwich LUNCH.

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  • go_guy123
    11-06 07:23 AM
    Good points chisinau

    Actually nurses have the H1c visa, but there are only 500 a year and only 14 hospitals in the whole country can apply for these visas. These visas last 3 years and after that the nurse has to leave the country. Not that employers don't want to apply for visas, it is just that many nursing positions DO NOT qualify for H1B! So the only viable option is the GC

    Will the July visa bulletin help you in anyway?

    This is the main reason why employers lobby for GC for nurses. It the
    availability of H1B that kills the chances of EB reform for IT people.
    Why lobby for EB reform (i mean do some lip service for EB reform while asking for H1B increase) when H1B is always available and more better from the point of view of employer.

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  • priti8888
    07-23 06:34 PM
    I think you are unnecessarily suspecting her posting. Retrogression kicked in Oct 2005 bulletin. So it is possible for her to apply in Feb 2005. I know for sure some people got their GC with similar priority dates. I think this whole immigration crap is turning everyone into cynical.


    My RD IS DEC 04 and I got Ead in feb 05...Mixed up the dates-Sorry!


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  • Caliber
    07-15 08:11 AM
    Posted $50.00 Check. With this my total contribution till now is $1200.00.

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  • chisinau
    08-01 11:21 PM
    What do you mean???


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  • chanduy9
    07-06 12:31 PM
    Thank god(USICS)... they haven't changed the visa making every thing "U":D

    Send flowers on JULY 10TH.


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  • Totoro
    05-02 09:25 AM
    Please contact me, PM or post, if you are willing to be interviewed for a news story on this. You should be a professional in the San Jose / Bay area, although anyone in California should contact me. I will forward your information to the reporter.

    On a related note, I have gone through the laws and regulations and the SSA is required to provide SSN for valid non-work purposes. I have compiled an extensive argument to support this case and I am currently in the process of getting the SSA to recognize the stimulus payment as a valid reason as required by the Social Security Act. If my petition is successful, it will set a precedent for others affected by the ITIN rule.

    Also, you are not a nonresident if you live in the USA. According to one of the replies I received from the SSA.

    "Under the IRC, therefore, an alien who is a nonresident for immigration purposes (i.e., not admitted for permanent residence) may be treated as a resident for tax purposes, if he meets the substantial presence test. Therefore, he could be eligible for the tax credit. However, he may not be eligible for a SSN if he wants one solely for the tax credit."

    I disagree with the last sentence and I am currently beginning the appeals process. I am willing to share the regulations and laws that support my case but I am wondering how to best share this information with others who may also want to get involved.


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  • swo
    07-20 06:47 PM
    thats one way to look at it. The other way to see this is that:

    - given enough people making noise its possible to get DOS/USCIS to make changes and fix things. this has now been proven.

    -there is a lot more visibility for EB related issues now, so much better chance of recapture or exemption for spouses from VB calculations etc.

    - instead of focus being on filing 485 without visa numbers (which is what IV focussed on for a while) everyone will now focus right at the root of the problem. All 500K are now focussed on solving the main issue.

    My friend, there is validity in what you say. I think there is a general shortage of visas, period. That is the root of the issue. However, we did know that going in. So when we get stuck in that situation we have to remember to distinguish between calling for change and demanding it.

    Also, with all due respect to IV, I think the thing that most likely led to the USCIS turnaround was not our voices, but rather the fact that a law suit would have revealed SERIOUS rule breaking - particularly with regard to issuing of visas to non-security cleared people. I think the USCIS's fear of dealing with a) discovery during court proceedings and b) potentially huge finanicial damages, were the main motivating factors to the turnaround.

    There is no doubt though, that the voices of immigrants did make a difference.

    By the way, this morning I wrote to both Senators Cornyn (for) and Clinton (against) in response to their amendment votes yesterday. I thanked him from trying to bring relief and urged her to show more bravery in solving the crisis at a future opportunity. I urge you all to do the same.

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  • panini
    07-06 02:10 PM
    OMG!!! Dude, you are the first one who said something like that and got away with it!!!!

    IV core leadership has to change and so is the stratergy. Current Lobbying efforts have clearly not worked out. I call for elections to elect the new core team. All these conference calls and inaction is just wastage of time and things are getting worse. We need an aggressive stratergy and may need to take names and hit people openly to get our agenda pushed. IV leadership clearly lacks these skills.


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  • a1b2c3
    08-17 12:34 AM
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

    I can only hope you are wrong :). I hope they sort first by PD and then by RP.

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  • knnmbd
    04-25 01:12 PM
    It really becomes ridiculous. You are totally mistaking the purpose of the CIR. It
    s not a policy bill, it's a bill about tweaking the existing policy. Giving everyone a priority date based on his/her date of the arrival to the states is to admit that H1b visa is an immigrant visa, which is not. Don't push an envelope too hard, it might backfire in the most unusual way.

    I think you have hit the nail on the head. We are on a roller coaster ride and we need to cool our heels. The two amendments to help ease retrogression are already in two of the senator�s bills. Let's push that on through. We can later on use our imaginations to solve any �bigger" immigration issues.


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  • prinive
    07-06 01:38 PM
    That is what my law firm told me. Just an FYI.. I did file my I485 in june. Today I called the law firm to check whether they got my Receipt number. That is when I was told this. I wish that is true. Usually they give accurate info. They even told me that July VB will be revised (within 10 days after the release.) So I wish this time also this becomes true so every one can be benifited.

    When you come with such statement please give source?

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  • shantanup
    06-11 01:05 PM
    multiple year eads & ap - may or may not happen
    visa recapture - no chance
    visa increase - will not happen

    still contribute??

    Do you usually get paid first and then work? Do you get the returns first then you invest? Do you get the overpaid tax back first and then you file the tax return?

    How do you know in advance that visa recapture and visa increase will not happen?


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  • looneytunezez
    04-30 03:11 PM
    I just called and left message with the aide at Senator Dianne Feinstein.
    She said that Senator is supporting the bill, and appreciates my support.

    Next I plan to start calling other senator's office as well.

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  • marwan234
    08-24 01:07 PM
    My wife is on H4, i'm on H1B. She applied for DL renewal and was renewed for 1 yr.
    They accepted visa, passport, i-94, and H4 renewal receipt notice.
    They gave her one year from receipt notice.
    What a relief. i was worried they would not accept it.
    That was in Sterling VA DMV.:)


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  • Milind123
    09-15 10:04 PM
    hi! i just contributed $100.00 via paypal transaction id is : 1GE522823P5726434

    Thank you dvrao4 for your contribution. I appreciate your help for keeping this drive on. People, just one person left to close this round. Again, if you haven't made a contribution recently please help us give a successful finishing touches to Sept 18th.

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  • gsc999
    07-14 08:38 PM
    Running total so far $608

    Good work. Let keep rolling.

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  • bobzibub
    06-11 04:04 PM
    I keep reading we should fight for out rights and all. I am just curious
    where does it say if on is on H1B or F1, he or she has a right to get a GC. GC or citizenship is a privilege, we cant demand it or force someone to give it to us. Its a simple demand and supply situation, there are more visa seekers then there is availability and therefore there is a waiting period. i am not sure why we don't accept the simple fact that there are way too many people from developing country like ours moving to US, and not everyone can be accommodated ASAP. i think US has every right to do what it thinks is best for her, even if we don't agree with that,
    And those who say its discrimination, discrimination is when people from Bihar are beaten up on the streets of mumbai cause they are taking jobs away from marathi manus. Had there been so many techies from around the world taking up jobs in India, we would have seen street lynching.

    People don't come here to work for someone else. They come to work for themselves (and eventually) hire Americans. If USCIS released their internal data as they've been asked and the numbers show that you've got to wait two decades for a green card, that is tantamount to them hanging a sign saying: "We don't serve Indians; We don't serve Chinese." They might as well just close and wind down operations.

    People come for economic opportunity, and economic opportunity when you work for someone else is limited. Certainly less than in Canada, India and China when you work for yourself. People bring their creativity and ideas and hard work and the US benefits immensely from this skilled labour pool. They've also come because USCIS has put the foot ball in front of them, only to pull it back after we're years into the process.

    A sign saying "We don't serve Indians or Chinese" *is* discrimination. But I would also use the word "fraud" for that is what it is: We paid for an advertised service. We spent years waiting for that service. We did not get that service. Pretty simple.

    04-01 09:26 AM
    Wow, so you're telling me be happy as somebody else is in pain now ???
    Their problems doesn't make me smile here. I want solutions to my problems.

    If you need solutions to your problems, you need to act as professionally as possible. Please stop throwing tantrums and also mind your P's and Q's when you utter expletives against the USCIS. Would you be brave enough, if not foolhardy enough, to reproduce whatever you've said in your threads here in a separate letter and send it out to the USCIS? Trust me, you'll not, since you'll act politely and courteously to make out your case. Decorous behaviour is called for when dealing with pertinent issues in the IV forum.

    01-08 09:34 PM
    Ok then why dont we teach some respect and humility to professor ji to show some respect for his country men as well..

    what a harsh speech that was..seems like some personal anger against india and their colleges...

    The only harsh thing he said was that Indian education was awful. Everything else he said was extremely positive especially when he talked about the amazing progress India is making. I think he said that because he was saying that India is racing ahead and Indians are very successful entrepreneurs. (I am not sure).

    I clicked on the link section under the video and found the slides that go with this. I have no idea what this website is or what NGA is, but here is where you can download the slides --

    He has many interesting slides on immigration and seems to be fighting for our cause.

    So if you want to get nationalistic and get upset over silly things go ahead!!!

    I wish I could go to Duke University or Harvard. I could not get admission or afford it if I did.

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